5 things not to get your man for his birthday

Birthdays are beautiful celebrations most people look forward to every year. We tend to go extra mile in making sure we make that day a memorable one for that one person we love so much, mostly in terms of showering of gifts.

We also try not to go overboard in getting unnecessary stuffs for that person because our aim is to see that person Happy and fully celebrated. So, in order to stay on check, I’ve written 5 things not to get your man for his birthday.

1. Boxers: Okay, so boxers are common things most girls gift men on their birthday, but recent research has found out that this gift gets accepted but less appreciated.

First of all, its wierd and awkward to give a man an underwear… Lol. He won’t complain about it tho, but he will feel a bit embarrassed at it, wondering why out of all the beautiful items in the world to give him, you chose an underwear. So ladies, if you’ve made this mistake before, its fine, it can be corrected as birthdays are celebrated literally every year, so you get another chance coming up, be prepared.

2. Cheap perfumes: First of all, not all men likes perfumes a lot. Research shows that 70% of men are perfume freaks. So if you’ve studied your man and you know he also likes perfumes, then yes, its good to gift him a nice perfume for his birthday.

But be careful not to gift him a cheap perfume because they smell cheap and can barely last for hours. And since your man loves perfumes, he would have so much style, taste and preferences in scents, so its so easy for him to tell that you got him a cheap perfume for his birthday. And yes hun, it kinda makes him feel less valued.

3. Art: Arts comes in different forms, e.g canva, souvenirs, sculptures, etc. These are amazing works made by talented artists to express words, stories or lifestyle. Now, gifting an art work to your man is a nice stylish thing, but I’ve got questions for you.

Will your man understand the value contained in it?, Does he like art?, Does he understand art?, Will he really appreciate it?. These questions are vital because not all men understand art. Some just admire it, but they don’t really value it. And knowing that these artworks are mostly expensive to buy, they would rather you used the money for something else than a piece of painting. So love, before you spend that much money on it, answer those questions up there. And if yes, then go for it. If No, aunty, pls buy something else.

4. Oversized shoes: So you might want to switch things a bit when it comes to gifting him with nice footwear. Getting your man a really nice shoe for his birthday is a lovely decision, trust me, but when it all goes wrong is when you get him the wrong size of shoes, trust me, its a total turn off.

Most times, you think you know his size, and then go ahead in buying those shoes based on assumptions, only to find out later that you made a huge mistake and then you’re torn in between trying to return it to get the appropriate size and apologizing for your errors. He might act fine with it, but deep down, he feels you didn’t know him too well to get his size and this makes him feel less valued as well. So before paying for anything next time, be sure about the appropriate size so he feels loved and appreciated.

5. Flowers: So lastly, this is a huge and important mistake ladies make on his birthday, they start out by giving him a bouquet of beautiful scented flowers. To you, its romantic, but to him, its weird.

This is because flowers represents soft romantic gestures made to women to impress her and stir up feelings, so its kinda weird when its the other way around. So ladies, please take note of these little little things, because in the end, “the little things matter”.

Also, note that all these listed are only based on taste and series of researches. The most important thing before you decide on gifts is to know your man pretty well, know his love language n’all, so you can be able to decide perfectly on what gift to make him smile and feel loved and celebrated.

Thank you so much for reading this, I hope it was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free ask me. And also, don’t forget to follow this blog for more interesting posts, like, comment and share as well.

Have a lovely day 💖💖💖

– Xta Joseph

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