5 main signs that you’re falling in love with someone

First of all, I want to start by saying love is a beautiful thing and the feeling it gives is amazing.

Sometimes, some people find it hard to believe they are actually falling in love with someone. They deny the feelings and ignore the reasons till they get stuck in love somehow and start wondering if this is real

Lol… Just know this is absolutely normal and that is why I’ve put up 5 main signs that shows you’re falling in love with this person.

1. You can’t stop thinking about this person: Okay, so you know that moment when you kinda feel absent minded every single minute. Like when you in the kitchen, doing the dishes and smiling at yourself…

Lol. Or when you watch romantic movies and you place you and your partner as the main act in the movie and start getting all emotional at every touching scene… Lol.

Or when you hear romantic songs or music such as Ed sheeran – perfect, and you start getting all emotional thinking about your partner….

You find it hard to concentrate on yourself without tryna check up on him or her, calling and texting them and looking for ways to make them happy…

Oh dear, its obvious that you’re beginning to fall for this person and this feeling is absolutely normal

2. You are very Happy: When you’re in love with someone, sadness is far from you because, everything around you seems to impress you and make you happy.

Like you can be stressed out from work and not feel a thing, pressured and get pissed at but it doesn’t matter because everything around you begin to look so simple and easy to you.

The clouds are so bright, the stars and moons become your best friends, the world becomes beautiful in your eye as you begin to appreciate nature. You can relate with this right?… So its obvious hun, that you’re falling in love.

3. You get unnecessarily jealous: Yes, you read right. Unnecessary jealousy is a good and basic sign to look out for that you’re in love because you get pissed when the person is talking with someone else all the time. Even if their closeness is just work based or school based, you still get jealous of the closeness and kinda wish their communication will end someday… Lol… This is love.

4. You can’t stop starring at them: When you see this person in a gathering, public place, events or meetings, it’s hard to wink without starring at them uncontrollably.

You stare at them so much that you seem to have noticed everything about them like – how they talk, laugh, smile, their personalities, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, clothings and accessories, etc.

Like unconsciously, you seem to have detailed all these down in your head and later realize it…. Lol, you not stupid or crazy. You’re in love.

5. Attached: Okay, so this is a very good sign because at some point of this whole saga, you start to feel really attached to this person.

Don’t be worried. Like I said, its normal. Because, you start to see through their eyes and read their mind and every expression. You can also sense what they want, their pain, happiness, sorrows, troubles, weirdness and all. The beautiful part is you not only sensing all these, but also feel the need to share it with them. Just know that this is Love.

Now, if you’ve noticed any of these 5 signs listed above, just know that you in love with this person and embrace it instead of ignoring it.

If you feel this feeling is one sided and you don’t know if this person feels the same way about you… Then check out my next post on signs to know if he/she is in love with you

Thank you so much for reading this on Xta Joseph Blog. I really hope it was helpful. Please feel free to like and comment your thoughts on this on the comment section below. I’m also open to answering your questions as well. Have a lovely day.

– Xta Joseph

10 thoughts on “5 main signs that you’re falling in love with someone

  1. Being in love is magical because when you do..you feel happy inside of you.
    You even get goose bumps thinking of your partner especially when the feeling is mutual

    Liked by 1 person

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